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Lip tint, lip gloss, compact powder, foundation, mascara, eye liner, blush on, etc being such important stuffs that should fulfill woman's bag nowadays. Before go to mall, campus, hangout, having a great girls day out, party, or anywhere it's almost impossible to find a woman without at least powder on her face.

Being called beautiful is like a super magic word, even it's just a word consists of b-t-f-l complete with 4 vowels it could makes a day for women, contribute positive energy, increase someone's feeling of confident, draw a pleasing smile, and even far make people think that they're not an underdog.

How society said that beautiful is something relative, when actually most  of them already agreed (even not through a legal approval) that beautiful is when you have  a flawless white face, an awesome proportional body, a nice symmetrical smile, a pair of leg which is a duplication of models, stylish hair without bad hair day, short curly on thursday and  long straight on friday.

We're be trapped in society's paradigm that being a  beautiful woman is a must. We all  have our own definition of beautiful until comes a time when there's a beauty pageant which make people's definition about beauty become united. It shows how people still can't claimed that they're  beautiful unless they are look like the models who confidently walk along the stage. It might be they have goals to teach woman to have a bright beauty, brain, and behaviour. Just humble question is, how much the percentage for each stuff? Even we cannot get a same proportion by 100/3. And how far it's already succeed make women learn to prioritize behavior and brain rather than busy to buy make up to make them a beautiful queen wannabe?

The newest and hottest thing is, unfortunately those idea get a really well support by the existance of  'miss beautiful', 'beautiful doctor', 'beautiful police', 'beautiful teacher', 'Bandung beautiful', 'beautiful miss Bengkulu' 😂 accounts in instagram or any social media. Which are promote some of incredible woman who have an amazing preety smile in their face. Is that a form of appreciation or intimidation to others? People try to do anything just to follow society's definition of beauty, while the ones who can't? some of them may be can deal with it, but who knows maybe there's someone who feel intimidated because they cannot valued themselves as a real woman, it attacks their confident, even far broken their strength to survive.

Women, beautiful is a gift from God, none of us don't want to be a beautiful one. Exactly there's no such an ugly woman in this world. Every time you feel insecure with your face or your body, remember that you're in here because you're the best, strongest, and the perfect sperm against billions. Beautiful is about yourself, not about people's point of view. Doesn't matter if some people said that you're not preety, or you don't live to be, don't worry if your name wasn't tagged in 'miss beautiful' account, don't be so busy taking  'outfit of the day' photos. Give thanks to God everyday you still live in healthy condition, breath free oxygen, have a lovely family, honest friends, still can pursue your right to get the education, walk with your legs, speak with your mouth even without your lip gloss, smile even you don't put blush on on your cheek, listen with your ears, seeing a future with your eyes even without eye liner, heart liver lungs kidney to complete your life.

Humans may think they have a healthy  eyes to judge someone, but sometime they forget who's give them? God, something perfect that always ask us to stay humble.

Moreover, if it's just about physical appearance, are you sure it's we called as beautiful? Or it's just...
Good looking?


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