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What's the purpose of your life?😊

Heart is unpredictable thing. The more you learn what they want, the more it will confuse you. But heart is destined to be unpredictable. It got tachycardy whenever you feel something strange, like anxiety, excitement, physically and mentally drained, and being miserable. It got bradycardy whenever you feel like things going wrong, everything seems like gone away, hopeless, and you can't understand one of it and why they have to. Even the medical students just learn how they can be, not why they must be.

All of us blessed to have heart as the one which equip the brain. Even though the brain sometimes become dominant. It just because people cannot be able to understand what it want. The brain specifically tell us what it want us to do and not to do. the brain with its capabilities to give logically thinking contribute more if we want to decice something, proven by appropriate reasons. It help us being rational while the heart don't.

Even so..
Sometimes your logical thinking which you think it's the right one, unfortunately it's the worst part of being human. Brain is greatly understand that the nature of human is being superior, undefeated person without understanding that the others also live as human too. while the thing that heart knew is just waiting the owner to fix it if it turned to be broken. Brain, in order to be superior than others, make some people breaking someone else to fix themselves. They forget the existence of heart that needed to be listened before someone take a decision. In fact that heart doesn't have any hormones to understand the others, but the reality proved, it does. People deliberately ignore their heart even they know it's the truth.
And I repeated..
It's just because
People wanna be superior.

Some quotes said you are not for everyone so live your life happily, but it clearly doesn't mean people can do anything as one wish cause there also the others who live as human too, breathe the same air, and protected under the same sky with you, what you don't want to feel, it means the others also can feel it. Be wise toward your decision, or else the others will inhale your sadistic without you knowing it, and all of the things you taught is just you already take the best choice.

In some cases, heart is smarter than the brain, but it's just for the person who understand what life is. For the one who just take care of themselves, being superior is the must.


  1. aku tidak bisa berkomentar dengan bahasa asing. sangat tertarik dengan semua sajak yang coba kau sesuaikan dengan suasana kekardivaskularisasian kini. meski kadang lucu, jika "heart" yang awam bilang itu hati, padahal jantung. lalu pertanyaannya, dimana "qolbu" itu berada, dia tidak nyata ada dilateral dari regio umbilikal, ataupun di bagian dalam dari thorax, tidak, dia tidak disana. meski kita merasa dia tepat ditengah dada, "qolbu" itu maya, bukan aku, maksudnya dia semu. sebenarnya bekerja dibawah perintah "otak", dan Allah dengan sangat cantik mengemasnya seolah-olah tubuh kita memiliki dua kendali. sangat setuju denganmu, bahwa manusia berbeda hanya karena lakunya dalam mengambil tindakan atas semua "kemauannya" dan caranya memperlakukan makhluk Allah lain. tapi yakinlah, entah "heart" ataupun "brain", mereka bekerja sama dan kadang saling melawan, hanya untuk bertarung keras sampai wafat dengan pemilik mereka sendiri "hawa nafsu", mereka pantasnya menang, tapi tidak sedikit yang akhirnya melayangkan bendera putih, kalah dan akhirnya "terpaksa" tunduk, dengan "Nafsu", dan berlaku dan memperlakukan sistem koordinasi tubuh lain untuk bergerak menyerong ajaran "penciptanya", na'udzubillah. dan kita sebagai pemegang amanah "mereka" semua harus banyak tau fisiologis dan pola sehat dari kedua pengendali tadi. sebab tubuh yang sehat itu amanah, yang kelak PASTI akan Allah pintai pertanggungannya-

  2. One of the best comment I ever read:') benar2 maya yang selalu memotivasi untuk mnghaadirkan tulisan2 yg jauh lebih baik lagi.. terimakasih banyaaaak mayaaaa kuu❤


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