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untuk mama, papa, dan semua orang-orang yang saya sayangi dan menyayangi saya, semoga sehat selalu:)


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Masih jelas sekali kenangan dulu, kelas 5 SD, saya pernah menampar seorang teman lelaki, karena dia bercanda dengan cara menghalang2i jalan saya ketika hendak pulang ke rumah. Singkatnya, dari dulu saya memang agak sensitif dengan lelaki2 sampah yang suka genit ke cewek-cewek, lelaki yang tidak menghargai dan menghormati wanita sedikitpun. Hingga saya beranjak dewasa, saya sangat sensitif dan marah jika mendengar kasus wanita dibunuh, dianiaya, dilecehkan, atau diselingkuhi. Bagi saya, lelaki sampah macam ini tidak layak untuk menginjak dunia yang dari maha Pencipta saja, sudah diperintahkan untuk memuliakan, meghargai dan menghormati kaum hawa, terbukti dari dijaminnya surga untuk 4 wanita (Khadijah, Fatimah, Asiah, Maryam). Mari mempersempit pembahasan ini dengan contoh kecil saja. Beberapa hari yang lalu saya mem post tentang suatu hal berbau against seseorang yang saya tahu betul kerjaannya hanyalah merayu wanita, seolah dimana dia berpijak disitu dilemparkannya rayuan2

We can always learn something from someone

people are vary, but we can always learn something from someone. forcing people to be like what we want them to be is like stuffed them with fish when they got allergic on it. just because we put their necessity above ours, it doesn't mean they will do the same. mind's pattern are made by the value that they got from the circumstances. Some people treat you well because they believe that doing something nice are more beneficial than hurting someone, they got the experience on it or else they watch the people around them did it as well. While the other one who used to put their ego up above anything, will never have any idea to lower their selfish way, and keep upholding their necessity above the others. Human is perfect, God is really good. But behavior make it really complicated.  everyone want to be happy, but sometimes forget that the others begging for it too. it's almost impossible to wish everyone will be kind to us, just because we never hurt them, resp

a letter for missing somebody

How you define missing somebody? it's 21.59 pm when my intellectual lobe still hardly remember what the things ever happened in the past. In fact I don't really know what's the definition of missing somebody. I thought that there's someone that I miss, but I doubt to named it as 'missing' when what actually I feel right know is my heart and my brain just like bloody to know how's life going on to him. Now I'll be like an agony lay down in my bed counting how many hours left for finally meet him in a right time. This purulent wound should be overcome before it comes to an irreversible pain. I found no specific reason why I could be as this excessive, all I know is just this feeling come up since I cannot see your presence in my life like you used to be. where are you and what are you doing? those two questions become really noteworthy regarding to you. How can those simple questions haunted me as much as algebra in math or even more. Can you just