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Looking after people's heart, is it matters?

After a very long time, I feel like I need to clean up the dust that stick on this blog after a very busy months recently. A very busy months where the owner of this blog is struggle really really hard to catch up her dreams, fighting alone during the thick and thin, try to tidy up her schedule, need to be care with everything then end up with sleepless, messy room, post-it cards in her working table, weight loss, acne (but still beautiful, yeah self confident comes first *cheers), fatigue, and this neglected blog.

And also, I would like to say sorry for some of the previous posts that been deleted, no specific reasons, just want to make the posts still under a particular theme, in tune.

This idea actually has long been buried.

For sure, I'm not that type of person who got the outstanding ability to analyze something under the scientific reasons. But, in certain social phenomenon, I have some point of view.

Well, lately I feel like I need to give some comments regarding for what happened in one of very trending social media right now, which is instagram.

2015, the first time I signed up for this account, I’m so happy because I found a platform to share some photos so that we can keep the loves, memories, and precious journey in photographs without need to worry that it will be lose like if we keep it in vintage album under the living room table shelf.

Nowadays, I don't know why but sometimes I found that this social media is no longer a media for someone to just purely share their photos or videos with beautiful quotes under the frame. Since there's additional feature called "snapgram", I feel like people try to compete each other just to impress others. Without trying to generalize, I just found this things mostly on people whom I push the follow back button (which later I regret haha). So, I found that some people are just like starving for acknowledgment from society. For example, uploading their “selfies boomerang” with their eyes scrolling down and up or left and right, just like is that really matter dude? or it’s a disgusting way to force people to believe on how beautiful or handsome your face is?

Or else, some people use the snapgram feature to boast everything that they have like branded bags and watches, iphone mirror selfie, a perfect couple cuddling in the car with the boy put fierce expression while driving, including words of wisdom that they exposed but sadly to say they don’t even do that in real life, etc.

Beyond that words…

Last but not the least,
Sorry for being offended, I do believe that everything we did in this world is based on our intention right? If there’s other intention but not to over expose and being arrogant, then it’s totally okay under the reason that every account is belong to each other’s autonomy, and people who don’t like it just can simply swipe them away or mute them right?

Because everyone has their own rights to express everything in any form of expression as long as it’s not endanger people’s life. So, that’s okay.

I just silently wish that people (including me) can act wisely both in real life and in social media. The other reason maybe because, I believe on the idea that we need to looking after other people’s heart. Maybe there are some people who are not as fortunate as us, then what we share in social media may create the feeling of inferiority, envy, spite, and other things that not desirable.

Me too, sometimes maybe I do something that not comfort others. Again, it’s impossible to please everyone. There will be some people who like us, while the other can be the haters too.
Because yes we are not born to be perfect and we aren’t live for everyone but if we can do little things to avoid things such hostility and jealousy, why not? Because, in my humble perspective, it’s much more matter than winning the ego to just gain social acknowledgment, isn’t it?


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