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All of us love our parents, have our own idol, like and dislike, expect a pretty house, revere technology,  share a half of our heart and build a cute romance, struggling to be outstanding, and proving the existence.

Will come a time when the sun become hazy, heavy rain beneath the eyes, dizziness, suddenly lost the heartbeat, no more jokes, smile which fade away. When we lose someone we love, we lose something most important in our life, or When someone we care about.. passed away.

people will give the deepest condolence, saying sorry to hear that, smoothly clap our shoulder hopefully bringing the strength, try to wiping the tear so it could be able to reduce the sickness.


No matter how sad we are, don't care how miserable the pain inside, Whatever the feeling of being lonely, or the scars had been in a severe condition, life will always goes on, no tolerance.
The date don't even stop, the hours will never care, the neighbors whose deliver their condolences will back to their daily activities like nothing happens. People will laugh again, nasty jokes come back, everything keep going on. Shortly, We have to continue our life like usual.

So, why we have to overly cry for something or someone who leaves?
Even ourselves, will also leave people oneday. We have to be independent because nothing last forever, we can't rely our strength on someone or a thing. Survive alone is a must, and we need to learn how to. We don't need to questioning and repeat again and again 'why she goes? Or why he goes?' Or stupidly being a crybaby who asking for 'why someone who swear that they wouldn't hurt me than leaves me at the end?' Just stop being stupid and bullshit, if they go, then they go, nothing else and nothing should be expected. The one who has magic to create happiness is ourselves.

 Because All of us  moving on.


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