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Guess who deserve to get this note?

I know you're the strongest, super power even huge more than nuclear weapon to explode.
Everyone bet you such gods, you spread to unknown area without need to permitted.
You're micro but you're hold out as a champion against giant chemical chain.
Even the smartest in some cases don't have any idea about how to shoot you down.

No one pray for your existence, but you become the most famous one. You move as fast as wind in a cloudy hopeless day.
Lately, God always hear your name when I'm praying along the days and night, through sunset and sunrise. You must be happy cause I mention your name whenever my forehead touches the floor, begging with sob for you to never exist in this world.

Surely, you have nothing idea about how was my days when you start to approach the most powerful woman in my life, it's like you broken whole of my soul.
If I have a chance to ask one non living thing in this world, I will ask you, my question is just, what did my mother ever does to you? as wide as the angels know, she's a very nice woman, extremely patient, hard worker even she got some extra ordinary troubles.

You could never imagine the poignancy attack my beating vulnerable heart when she turn to be thin, distressed smile even still honest, you're too stupid to understand that go attack my idiot tissues rather than I have to figure out her weary face.

Cancer, no one loves you back? Pitty on you because no one care about you, right? You don't have parents, right? You don't have a mom who raised you for 9+months in her womb and create the most comfortable chamber complete with placenta so you can eat healthy food, don't you?

I know you don't, but...

I have.

Please, I do confess you're the strongest one, I admitted that you're the winner in every evil competition, I acknowledge you as a king of every disease.

But just please, I beg you..
Stay away from my mom, my families, my best friend, my friends, people I love and people who love me.


I just need my mom to be the happiest person. As simple as that.
And if you ask  one conditional which is you need someone else to replace...



Please choose me, but let my beloved mommy, be free.

Thanks sweetie😊


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